We believe we can accelerate the development of Greece’s upstream sector, while supporting the drive to net zero carbon by 2050, by attracting best-in-class energy companies.
Exploration and production rights are licensed by HEREMA on behalf of the Greek state on the basis of any of the following procedures:
Bidding Round
Launched following an invitation to tender with respect to a specifically defined area, approved by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, published in the Government Gazette, and the Official Journal of the European Union. Offers must be submitted within ninety (90) days from the day of the last publication.
Expression of Interest
Launched following an application by any party interested in an area not included in the aforementioned bidding round. If accepted, HEREMA issues the respective tender notice, approved by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, published in the Government Gazette, and the Official Journal of the European Union. Offers must be submitted within ninety (90) days from the day of the last publication.
Open Door
When the area of interest is available on a permanent basis, an earlier tender procedure concerning this area was unsuccessful, or the area has been relinquished by the lessee, HEREMA may issue an open-door invitation for declaration of interest. In such case, in a relevant notice published in the Government Gazette and the Official Journal of the European Union, the Minister of Environment and Energy specifies the minimum requirements for the concession, as well as any other relevant information. Interested parties may submit their tenders for a concession in more than one area, and offers must be submitted no later than the last day of the first and second semester of each calendar year.