The rights to carry out the exploration and deployment of offshore wind farms within Greece’s seas pertain exclusively to the Greek state.
The legal framework applicable to offshore wind development in Greece is stipulated by Law 4964/2022, dated 30 July 2022, published in the Government Gazette on offshore wind farms (OWF).
The entity responsible for OWF projects, on behalf of the Hellenic State, is HEREMA in so far as the management of rights is concerned regarding the research, exploration, and identification of organised development areas for OWFs, in addition to the assignment of research rights to third parties within said development areas.
Other key organisations within the development of the sector include the Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) and the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE). IPTO is responsible for the development of links between the transmission grid and OWFs, including the design, development, installation, and operation of interconnections between the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System (HETS) to the OWF Organised Areas Development (OWFODA). RAE, on the other hand, is in charge of organising a competitive tender process for the granting of operational aid for each OWFODA.