Press Release
HHRM – Sealines Workshop
Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management (HHRM) and the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy have co-organized successfully the international workshop, titled «Sealines: An overview on the state of art and technologies», on June 24th, in Athens, within the framework of “Sealines” program.
Sealines is part of the European Bluemed program and is concerned with the safety and exploitation of submarine pipelines.
Representatives of companies and operators of the European Union and the wider Mediterranean region attended the seminar, which was developed into three modules: The first section concerned the mapping of maritime infrastructures, the second issues of maintenance, monitoring and reuse of pipelines, while in the third section, representatives of the participating competent authorities discussed regulatory and legislative issues.
It is reminded that HHRM has been transitionally appointed as the Competent Authority for Offshore Safety in Oil and Gas Operations in Greece since July 28th, 2016, through Law 4409/2016.