An Open Electronic Tender is being conducted for the conclusion of a service contract for the reprocessing of seismic data of the broader geological region of the “Mesohellenic Trough” in the Grevena area, with an estimated value of one hundred fifty-seven thousand seven hundred thirty euros (€157,730.00) excluding VAT (estimated value including VAT: €195,585.20). The contract duration is set to seven (7) months and is funded by European resources under the “Horizon 2020” program, based on the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement No. 101022664 with the project title “CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories – PilotSTRATEGY.” The services provided are classified under the following Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) code: 71352140-3. Additionally, free electronic access to the tender documents is available in the dedicated, publicly accessible area “Electronic Tenders” on the portal:

